5. Pandas- Pandas only reach the fifth spot because they're just so darn cute! Their cuteness isn't annoying, but what is annoying is their eating bamboo all day. It annoys me that they eat anywhere from 40-80 pounds of bamboo a day. Something else that annoys me about pandas is their teeth. They always look so yellow. I think that since their fur is white, it makes their teeth look really yellow. Other than that, they're really freakin' cute! Which leads me to much more annoying animals like....
4. Jellyfish- Jellyfish are such beautiful creatures. Some of them glow in the dark, while others are made of all sorts of colors. They all have one thing in common though: they're annoying. These creations just kind of float along in the water, and sting anything that touches them. The reason I think they're annoying is because every full moon they wash up on the shore. So as a swimmer, surfer, beach go-er, you're just walking along minding your own business, when all of a sudden your foot is on fire because you stepped on a stupid jellyfish. What's even more annoying is the fact that if they're washed up on the beach, the jellyfish are most likely DEAD! Anything that can sting you is annoying, but it's also understandable because it's a defense mechanism. A more un-understandable animal is the...
3. Cicadas- For those of you that don't know what a cicada is, they're these huge insects that break out of shells during the summer time. A lot of people in the south call them locusts, but they're actually not related to true locusts which are like grasshoppers. The first annoying part of these things, is that their shells stick to everything. They have these fine little hair things on their legs that make it possible for them to stick to anything. In the picture, the brown part is the shell while the green thing is the actual cicada. As a little kid, when you climbed trees, you had to watch out for the shells (and the bugs!) because they would stick to your hair and clothes and creep you out! The actual live bugs are annoying because they make this awful sound. It's like the sound of a cricket, but mixed with death and amplified times a hundred. While most bugs are annoying, none of them are more annoying than...
2. Mosquitoes- I shouldn't even have to explain why these are so annoying. They spread diseases, bite you and make you itchy, they reproduce quickly, and they make annoying buzzing sounds! I was trying to do some research to even find out what the benefits of mosquitoes are and I couldn't find very much. They only reasoning behind keeping them alive is for bat and frog food. A lot of other people said that they keep the people that make bug repellent in business too! Bug repellent has never really worked that great on me, thus I don't really agree with the latter comment, but I'm sure that frogs and bats can find another food source! Plus, the buzzing they make is really annoying. The worst is when they land on your ear to bite it, and you can hear the buzzing, but you don't want to kill it inside your ear. This usually ends with a squished bug inside your ear. (I was going to search for and post a picture of a mosquito, but just looking at them started making me all itchy, so I had to stop) I just really hate mosquitoes, but not as much as...
1. The Canadian Goose- These top my list for most annoying animals for several reasons, but there are five main reasons why they're so stinkin' annoying! Reason 1: They're loud. As you can see with the rest of the list, most of these animals are annoying because the sounds they make; However, I feel that there is nothing more annoying than trying to take a nap on a warm spring day with your windows open, only to be woken up to fighting geese going, "HONK HONK HONKKK." The second reason directly follows this because the reason they're usually honking is because Reason 2: They're SO territorial! I have actually been chased down by a Canadian goose before. It was hissing at me, and not knowing what that meant, I hissed back. I ended up running down a Kmart parking lot in heels and being saved by jumping in the open door of my mother's jeep. For those of you that don't know, when Canadian geese choose a spot to nest in, they make it THEIR spot. There is no fighting with a Canadian goose because they have a ton of tiny, fine teeth that will latch onto your flesh and not let go. So we have all these damn territorial geese moving in, and hissing and chasing people, only to lay eggs and give birth to ducklings. Okay, say it with me, "Awwwwww!" No. I hate their ducklings. They're okay for the first month, maybe, but then they just get awkward! I think teenage Canadian geese are the ugliest things. Reason 3: Teenage Canadian Geese are awkward to look at. They halfway have feathers and have long knobby legs with really big feet. I feel embarrassed FOR them because I know they probably aren't smart enough to feel embarrassed for themselves. Quite frankly, I don't like looking at them because it makes me feel awkward. Once they move in, and once they have babies, the amount of poop increases dramatically. Reason 4: They poop EVERYWHERE. There's a pond across the street from my fiance's house, and geese live there. I can't walk the dogs in the big grassy field by the pond because there is so much goose poop my shoes get covered in it! For fellow dog owners out there, you know that dogs LOVE goose poop! I don't know what it is, but I can't stop them from eating it! So, how do we stop all this from happening? Hunt them! But.....Reason 5: These damn birds are PROTECTED and can't be killed!!! Even though there are a TON of geese that live in Ohio, they are protected under the Federal Migratory Bird Act of 1918. According to wildgoosechasers.com, "this Act makes it illegal to harm or injure a goose and damage or move its eggs and nest, without a Federal permit. Not complying with the Federal Act can result in fines ranging from $5,000 to $10,000 and this also applies to an untrained dog’s actions." Are you kidding me? This even makes is a federal offense to "accidentally" hit one of your car.